Friday, July 20, 2018

Every Day

We are writing septets today at dversepoets 

Every Day

Bouncing bird notes of Robin's song

wipe sleep from sunflower eyes.

Awakening yarrow and cabbage rows yawn.

Sand through the hourglass pours our hellos and goodbyes.

Sun's fingertips read the Braille of the valley of sighs,

and trace the outline of clouds in rose gold.

In my arms, for better or worse, your image I hold.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Quadrille #60 Summer's Prize

Summer's Prize

Sheep laze in shadows 
of elms.
July's butterflies 
sailing high on Jcasmine winds.

By the sea I find my niche.
Andalusian skies 
meet pregnant,
billowy,  white clouds.

White sand beyween my toes,
nd wine,
paper and pen.
I lust berries from the vine,

absorb the view, and 
to satisfy my creative itch.

dversepoets  Using the word 'itch'..