Monday, March 28, 2016

No Regrets - Haibun Mon. # 10

 We are taking quotes about cherry blossoms by other authors and using them as a cue to our own Haibun today.

“When cherry blossoms

scatter –
no regrets”  Issa

Cherry blossoms remind me of spring days past, pleasant memories of good tidings and long ago Easters, blue skies, and families together. Standing out are the April showers with rainbows, May baskets, and walking through blossoming cherry orchards. The trek home after we got off the school bus was delayed because we loved playing in the neighbor's huge cherry orchard. The grass was green and tall with pink fallen snow all around. We took high steps through it, sat or lay down among them and day-dreamed, and plucked small twigs of pink and white to wear in our hair. Beyond, the mountains and rivers smiled as light breezes flowed through the gorge valley where we were raised as glass chimes could be heard from nearby porches.

As a burgeoning teen, it had such a positive feel. The future seemed endless, bright and full, as if nothing could ever stand in the way of happiness. I'm still unsure if "happiness" in itself is our goal to achieve in life. When other aspects of life seem to dominate, choke out the feelings of elation, rejuvenation and newness, it is a big challenge to maintain. Routine activities, work and study are necessary in our lives. Then crisis, ills and otherwise bad news follow us all the days of our lives. Anything is possible to happen at anytime 

Instead, we understand and accept that as we strive to experience happiness, it arrives in brief segments, opportune moments of sheer delight that come to us unexpectedly. We savor the small simple joys and make them last as long as possible. We try to view all events with courage, with wishful and hopeful thinking and therefore, positive outcomes. Cherry blossoms symbolize this eternal struggle to smile amidst the grief. 

When life is less bright,
cherry blossoms at your feet
uplift and comfort


  1. Yes, you're quite right - those cherry blossoms do remind me of all the good in the world, all the good to come.

  2. When happiness is our greatest goal, I think that we miss out on a lot in life. True joy can only be experienced when we suffer for the sake of others...but for some reason...human nature seems to strive for mere "happiness".

  3. Inspired and inspirational, Kathy. Thanks for this!

  4. Life has its ups and downs ~ I specially love this part:

    Cherry blossoms symbolize this eternal struggle to smile amidst the grief.

    I am looking forward to seeing the cherry blooms on my feet ~

  5. The haiku has a lovely rhythm to it - along with the message. I like these memories of playing in the cherry orchard. The last paragraph of the haibun is so very wise and strengthens the lessons of hope and moving forward. Thank you for responding to this prompt and thank you for the message of hope - no regrets! Wonderful and true.

  6. How beautiful, Kathy--the haiku is a perfect exclamation point.

  7. "it arrives in brief segments, opportune moments of sheer delight that come to us unexpectedly." Oh, I agree. Those times are blessings.

  8. True,in our saddest days if we look to the cherry blossoms how can we be sad? Lovely verse, Kathy.

  9. SMiLes.. mY friEnd
    i usED to THiNk
    that happiness
    was/iS alWays
    i lEarned
    to FeeLrealNoW..
    but joy is not.. quiet..
    as frequent.. and noW
    alWays worth revisiting
    as iT comes and goes..
    wIth sMiLes and Laughs
    oF course.. oN course..
    foR me.. happiness
    iS liFe without stress..
    and likely only humans
    do it to
    on purpose
    wITh little
    as to
    how they
    arrive now
    aS stress..
    aT aLL..
    as.. i too
    usED to
    liVe theRe too..

    stress FReED..
    frees animal liFe..:)

    sPeaKinG.. yeS..
    comPared to uS..:)

  10. When life is less bright,
    cherry blossoms at your feet

    One feels so much for the flowers even when scattered on the ground it is still a wonder. Perhaps because its brief appearance has to do with it!


  11. Oh I love this.. it made me happy to think of the cherry blossom and how it can mend what's broken inside.

  12. You give such descriptive words to memories that could be my own. It is though I am there with you.


All comments, constructive and otherwise, are welcome and appreciated here. Thank you to those who show an interest in my quirky style of writing, photography, painting, and presenting a feeling or thought and for stopping by A Dwelling by the Sea..