Monday, September 18, 2017

All there is...

We are writing haibuns today at about the "Why" behind our writing, what our style of writing is.

All there is..

Born under the Aries constellation, writing for me fulfills a need to express emotions.  Words rooted in passion, pain, sadness and joy are seeds from which grow stems of my  stories,  blossoming into scenarios of love under a pale moon, or blades of grass pushing up excruciating growth, or a meadow of amazing realization. My flowers reveal how we love, cry, ache, or dream,  how it feels to live the days of our lives.  In my garden grow verses descrbing experiences we share as humans, unleashing basic instincts as we react to the world around us, encompassing all there is.

Planted deep within,
a plethora of feelings -
compost of our souls


  1. I like how poems record how it feels to live our lives which I think can become "a meadow of amazing realization".

  2. I love this - the blossoming from emotional depth. That's what poetry is.

  3. The metaphor of bloom and gardening is so well sustained in this piece... wonderful

  4. Love that sentence: 'Words rooted in passion, pain, sadness and joy are seeds from which grow stems...' and the idea of poetry as a garden composted by souls.

  5. '...a meadow of blazing realization..." What a wonderful phrase! And the last line of your haiku, Kathy -- perfect!

  6. Kathy, I can't read the poem. It is etched into the picture, but I love the haiku! A plethora of feelings as compost...beautiful!

  7. Your words were mixed with the image of the house? Perhaps that is how you meant it?

  8. I've also explored the poetic garden. The seeds will bloom beautifully if tended properly. And I have enough manure for the lot of us! ;) But, your haibun touches something as written by such a caring gardener, Kathy.

  9. I love how gardening plays an important part of your poetry and life - colors, seasons, muse, roots and compost ~

    Have a good week ~

  10. A wonderful unfolding of why you write! Image-rich and sensuous!

  11. Almost impossible for me to read the poem etched into the beautiful photo... like the compost of feelings (haiku)


All comments, constructive and otherwise, are welcome and appreciated here. Thank you to those who show an interest in my quirky style of writing, photography, painting, and presenting a feeling or thought and for stopping by A Dwelling by the Sea..